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I Found You

The Wanted

She wants me to come over I can tell, her eyes don't lie
She's calling me in the dark
She moves, I swear the room around her lights up like the sky
Confidence like a rock star

I wanna put my hands on her hands feel the heat from her skin
Get reckless in the star light
I'm moving to the beat of her heart I was so lost until tonight

I found you in my darkest hour
I found you in the pouring rain
I found you when I was on my knees
And your light brought me back again

Found you in a river of pure emotion
I found you my only truth
I found you and the music playing
I was lost, till I found you, you, you
Until I found you, you, you

The night is getting older and I can't come off this high
I don't want this here to end

I know she feels the same cause I can see it in her eyes
She says can we start again

I wanna put my hands on her hands feel the heat from her skin
Get reckless in the star light

She's moving to the beat of my heart we were so lost until tonight

I found you in my darkest hour
I found you in the pouring rain
I found you when I was on my knees
And your light brought me back again

Found you in a river of pure emotion
I found you my only truth
I found you and the music playing
I was lost, till I found you, you, you
Till I found you, you, you

I said people, we're all looking for love tonight
Sometimes we can't see it, we're all blinded by the light
And we all get low, all get low
Searching for the piece of mind
Just when I'd given up, looking for some kind of sign

I found you, you, you
I found you, you, you
I found you, you, you
I found you, you, you

I found you in my darkest hour
I found you in the pouring rain
I found you when I was on my knees
And your light brought me back again

Found you in a river of pure emotion
I found you my only truth
I found you and the music playing
I was lost, till I found you

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