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London City Part II


[Verse 1]
I'm on the a406 in a car with a click
While I glance at the bits
The city looks dark in the mist so high I forgot
Who just passed me on this
All I ever did want was a chance to exist
From writing bars up in my bedroom back when I started
I can't explain how it feels when I'm here
They all chanted my shit
A lot of love for the city that I made my name in
When I first hit rinse inside of the grimiest basement
A white chapel under the pavement
Shout out to the fans all over the manors I've played in
You've been amazing, tonight were in London city
But you know I'm on a UK thing

I've gotta show love for the city
I made my career, my name, my money, my fame in London city
You'll still find me in London city
In the grind, hustle and bussle out to every other UK city

[Verse 2]
It's funny how time flies
I'm 22 now were in 2012
With the olympics here at our doorstep
It's time to welcome the world
Inside the historic metropolis
Some call heaven and some call hell
L O N D O N, you can tell by the way
That it's spelt this place is a lone on out for itself
With the streets of manic in grid lock traffic
I think about the things I've managed to achieve
In a dream that seemed so graphic
That it must be real, I come through the darkness
Signed my deal
With mikey, colin and victor behind the records
I look back at the pictures still

I've gotta show love for the city
I made my career, my name, my money, my fame in London city
You'll still find me in London city
In the grind, hustle and bussle out to every other UK city

[Verse 3]
I've worked all over the capital
North, south, east, west
If you like the cities my wife
I've seen the bitch at her worst and her best
Since my debut video, life ain't the same in a sense
I'm signed at major events all the time
And more baked than an 8 foot fed with dreads
I moved outta my mums, to a nice little drum
And I don't hear sirens sounding when I try sleeping
Just peace when the evening comes
A lot of things have changed, from making London city
At the bottom of the big wheel
Shorditch then Piccadilly, but me I'm the same

I've gotta show love for the city
I made my career, my name, my money, my fame in London city
You'll still find me in London city
In the grind, hustle and bussle out to every other UK city

Let your hair down in London city
Everybody just keep moving with me
Just keep bouncing with me, just keep rolling with me

Let your hair down in London city
Everybody just keep moving with me
Just keep bouncing with me, just keep rolling with me

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Letra en inglés de London City Part II de Devlin

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