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What If


I can't find the rhyme in all my reason
Lost sense of time and all seasons
Feel I've been beaten down
By the words of men who have no grounds
Can't sleep beneath the trees of wisdom
When your axe has cut the roots that feed them
Forked tongues in bitter mouths
Can drive a man to bleed from inside out

What if you did?
What if you lied?
What if I avenge?
What if eye for an eye?

I've seen the wicked fruit of your vine
Destroy the man who lacks a strong mind
Human pride sings a vengeful song
Inspired by the times you've been walked on
My stage is shared by many millions
Who lift their hands up high because they feel this
We are one We are strong
The more you hold us down the more we press on

What if you did?
What if you lied?
What if I avenge?
What if eye for an eye?

[Guitar Break]

I know I can't hold the hate inside my mind
'Cause what consumes your thoughts controls your life
So I'll just ask a question
A lonely simple question
I'll just ask one question
What if? What if?
What if? What if?
What If I?

What if? What if?
What if? What if?
What If I?

What if? What if?
What if? What if?
What If I?

What if? What if?
What if? What if?
What If I?

What if you did?
What if you lied?
What if I avenge?
What if eye for an eye?

What if your words could be judged like a crime?

What if? What if?
What if? What if?
What if I?

What if? What if?
What if? What if?
What if I?

What if? What if?
What if? What if?
What if I?

What if? What if?
What if? What if?
What if I?

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