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[Verse 1]
When the sky breaks it rains
So just let the H2O splash upon the graves
Of all the souls I used to know but now have passed away
Men say that time can heal a situation
But this pain is not a passing phase
Now I'm curious how many years a heart can ache
Feel like a Minotaur meandering this darkened place
Trying to find a way to maybe find the light of day
If I could rewind then I'd re-live my life again
And sit and hold my nan's hands while she felt the pain
And say hello to old mates behind the pearly gates
Given the chance to glance back at my childish face
I'd try and smile the way I smiled just like a child again
Before I had to say goodbye to anybody
And the loved ones
I've lost all had life within their bodies
My side was less lonely then
You wanna cry well come and hold me then
I think I need the blessing of some holy man

[Hook: Diane Birch]
'Cause everything is different now
I'd really like to tell you how
How I wanted you here by my side
I know what I said but I lied
It looked like I laughed but I cried
But I wish I could push rewind

[Verse 2]
If I had minutes on my hand just like a time piece
I'd turn the clocks back and maybe try to find peace
As well as my ID, so rewind me
Just like a video cassette
'Cause I'm upset that I ain't seen
Some faces in a while just apparitions in my dream
That ends abruptly
When they try to hug me through the screen
Of smoke that's engulfing me
Like the coastline with its high tide
And you can see the sands and the oceans meet
No one told me when this ride began to hold my seat
Time flies like Emmet Brown was in the driver's seat
You talk of irony
Well now I'm lonely
But I'm searching for my privacy
This life won't comply with me
I think I need some dead relatives either side of me
To keep me company and guide me through the library
Of neverending stories full of lies and deceit
Hi Ho Silver, Lone Ranger riding to the beat

[Hook: Diane Birch]
'Cause everything is different now
I'd really like to tell you how
How I wanted you here by my side
I know what I said but I lied
It looked like I laughed but I cried
But I wish I could push rewind

If I could rewind time to its slowest
I'd look at life at its heights and its lowest
So I could maybe try to recollect
What made me who I am besides a poet
Besides a poet

[Hook: Diane Birch]
How I wanted you here by my side
I know what I said but I lied
It looked like I laughed but I cried
But I wish I could push rewind

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Letra en inglés de Rewind de Devlin

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