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We R Who We R


Hot and dangerous
If you're one of those then roll with us
'Cause we make the hipsters fall in love
When we got our hot pants on and up

And yes of course we does
We running this town just like a club
And no, you don't wanna mess with us
Got Jesus on my necklace-ace-ace

Got that glitter on my eyes
Stockings ripped all up the side
Looking sick and sexyfied
So let's go, oh, oh, let's go

Tonight, we're going hard, hard, h-h-hard
Just like the world is ours, ours, o-o-ours
We're tearing it apart, part, p-p-part
You know we're superstars, we are who we are

We're dancing like we're dumb, dumb, d-d-dumb
Our bodies going numb, numb, n-n-numb
We'll be forever young, young, y-y-young
You know we're superstars, we are who we are

DJ turn it up
It's about damn time to live it up
I'm so sick of being so serious
It's making my brain delirious

I'm just talking true
I'm telling you 'bout the shit we do
We're selling our clothes, sleeping in cars
Dressing it down, hitting on dudes, hard

Got that glitter on my eyes
Stockings ripped all up the side
Looking sick and sexyfied
So let's go, oh, oh, let's go

Tonight, we're going hard, hard, h-h-hard
Just like the world is ours, ours, o-o-ours
We're tearing it apart, part, p-p-part
You know we're superstars, we are who we are

We're dancing like we're dumb, dumb, d-d-dumb
Our bodies going numb, numb, n-n-numb
We'll be forever young, young, y-y-young
You know we're superstars, we are who we are

DJ turn it up
DJ turn it up
DJ turn it up
DJ turn it up

Tonight, we're going hard, hard, h-h-hard
Just like the world is ours, ours, o-o-ours
We're tearing it apart, part, p-p-part
You know we're superstars, we are who we are

We're dancing like we're dumb, dumb, d-d-dumb
Our bodies going numb, numb, n-n-numb
We'll be forever young, young, y-y-young
You know we're superstars, we are who we are

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Letra en inglés de We R Who We R de Kesha

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