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I wanna be drunk when I wake up
On the right side of the wrong bed
And every excuse I made up
Tell you the truth I hate
What didn't kill me
It never made me stronger at all

Love will scar your make-up lip sticks to me
So now I'll maybe leave back there
I'm sat here wishing I was sober
I know I'll never hold you like I used to

But our house gets cold when you cut the heating
Without you to hold I'll be freezing
Can't rely on my heart to beat it
Because you take part of it every evening
Take words out of my mouth just from breathing
Replace with phrases like when you're leaving me

Should I, should I?
Maybe I'll get drunk again
I'll be drunk again
I'll be drunk again
To feel a little love

I wanna hold your heart in both hands
I'll watch it fizzle at the bottom of a Coke can
And I've got no plans for the weekend
So shall we speak then
Keep it between friends
Though I know you'll never love me like you used to

There maybe other people like us
You see the flicker of the clip when they light up
Flames just create us
Burns don't heal like before
You don't hold me anymore

On cold days Coldplay's out like the band's name
I know I can't heal things with a hand shake
You know I can't change as I began saying
You cut me wide open like landscape
Open bottles of beer but never champagne
We'll applaud you with the sound that my hands make

Should I, should I?
Maybe I'll get drunk again
I'll be drunk again
I'll be drunk again
To feel a little love

All by myself
I'm here again
All by myself
You know I'll never change
All by myself
All by myself
I'm just drunk again
I'll be drunk again
I'll be drunk again
To feel a little love
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Letra en inglés de Drunk de Ed Sheeran

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