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I don't wanna fight every single night
Everything I want is in your eyes
You and me go back to places I don't know to care
The spoils of all I got were left to scraps

Don't let me say this
But you're no worse than me
It's crazy

We all are real, if real ever was, just because
We all feel, feel we've had enough
We all are real ‘cause someone gave us sound

I wanna be there when you're happy
I wanna love you when you're sad
Can't stand the morning rain
Get out and take your place then
Can't stand the blazing sun

Then close your eyes you'll see
The angel dies

I don't want to be anything for these
A million watts of sound can't compare

Come along you'll see the world
The pulse ripples, the crowd unfurls
The current starts to flow and then you're on
Oh it's a white hot soul they want, sinful

We all are real, if real ever was, it's just because
We all are real, every living soul
Yes I'm real ‘cause someone gave us sound

Don't break the oath
I wanna love you when you're happy
Don't break this oath
I wanna be there when you're sad
Please bring the pouring rain

We all are real, as real as any ghost
It's easy now
I'm real, in every living soul God gave us

Can't stand the blazing sun
Can't stand the morning rain
Get out and take your place again

I don't wanna be alone
I don't wanna be alone
I don't wanna be alone, alone

If it's a white hot soul they want
It's a black heart they'll get
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Letra en inglés de Tarantula de Smashing Pumpkins

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