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Carry You Home

James Blunt

Trouble is her only friend, and he's back again
It makes her body older than it really is
And she says it's high time she went away
No one's got much to say in this town
Trouble is the only way is down, down down

As strong as you were, tender you go
I'm watching you breathing, for the last time
A song for your heart, but when it is quiet
I know what it means and I'll carry you home
I'll carry you home

If she had wings she would fly away
And another day God will give her some
Trouble is the only way is down, down down

As strong as you were, tender you go
I'm watching you breathing, for the last time
A song for your heart, but when it is quiet
I know what it means and I'll carry you home
I'll carry you home

And their all going crazy in New York City at night
And someone's little girl was taken from the world to light
Under the stars and stripes

As strong as you were, tender you go
I'm watching you breathing, for the last time
A song for your heart, but when it is quiet
I know what it means and I'll carry you home

As strong as you were, tender you go
I'm watching you breathing, for the last time
A song for your heart, but when it is quiet
I know what it means and I'll carry you home

I'll carry you home
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