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Happily Ever After

He is We

Let me riddle you a ditty, it's just an itty bitty, little thing on my mind
About a boy and a girl, trying to take on the world one kiss at a time
Now the funny thing about, ain't a story without it, but the story is mine
And I wish you could say, that it ended just fine

We all want to know, how it ends

Oh, happily ever after
wouldn't you know, wouldn't you know
Oh, skip to the ending
who'd like to know, I'd like to know
Author of the moment, can you tell me
do I end up, do I end up happy?
End up happy

Inhale, breathe steady, exhale, like you're ready, if you're ready or not
Just a boy and a girl trying to take on the world, and we want to get caught
In the middle of a very happy ending, let's see what we've got
Let's give it a shot
Let's give it a shot

We all want to know, how it ends

Oh, happily ever after
wouldn't you know, wouldn't you know
Oh, skip to the ending
who'd like to know, I'd like to know
Author of the moment, can you tell me
do I end up, do I end up happy?

We all have a story to tell
Whether we whisper or yell
We all have a story, of adolescence and all it's glory
We all have a story to tell

Oh, happily ever after
wouldn't you know, wouldn't you know
Oh, skip to the ending
who'd like to know, I'd like to know
Author of the moment, can you tell me
do I end up, do I end up happy?

We all have a story to tell
We all have a story to tell
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