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Yeah... yeah.

It's time to even it up
I guess a round table weren't equal enough
You can't contain me
With chains I'm free
And I run free
Any enemy is coming with me when I'm done

Whatever's asked to me I perform
I rip through the rain into the eye of the storm
Still carrying the flame, eye of the torch
Failure comes at a price I can't afford
Never been half hearted I put my all in
Forfeited all just to answer my calling
Wearing the scars of the wars that I fought in
Should'a been heading for the stars but I'm falling

I have your sword and cape
If you need them I'll be swimming in the lake
Oh baby don't look down, just take the crown

We'll be kings forever, oh oh oh
Holding on together, oh oh oh
Feeling so much better oh oh oh
When everything was wrong and everything was gone
We ran to Avalon

I fought till I had no fight left
Risked my death
Walked with conviction in everyone of my steps
My strengths water enough
To wash away any of the stains on my rep
Yeah, I fought off vultures
Went against odds when I was short on soldiers
I asked not for my burden to be lightened
But if I may have broader shoulders
So as I may carry the weight
All the doubt I had in me has been allayed
So from now til the day that I'm carried away
I will never walk around what stands in my way
Fuck if they ain't letting off cos neither will I
When I die from the ashes an eagle will rise
Long as my blade and my faith keep me alive
Fear is something that you wont see in my eyes

We'll be kings forever, oh oh oh
Holding on together, oh oh oh
Feeling so much better oh oh oh
When everything was wrong and everything was gone
We ran to Avalon

I left competition out for the count no abacus
Fought for the crowd, fought down challengers
When my massacre was ordained
I remained through pain forged my sword
I left competition out for the count no abacus
Fought for the crowd, fought down challengers
When my massacre was ordained
I remained through pain forged my sword, my Excalibur

We'll be kings forever, oh oh oh
Holding on together, oh oh oh
Feeling so much better oh oh oh
When everything was wrong and everything was gone

We ran to Avalon

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Letra en inglés de Avalon de Professor Green

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