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Love Songs


I fall so, I fall
Love songs and limousines
Wishing wells and make believe
Disco balls and dancing queens
I fall so easy

Rich guys and candlelight
Telling me the things I like
I'm too young and they're too right for me

I fall so easy for cheesy things in life
Sad, sad movies make me cry
Pretty people I admire
I used to hate

I fall so easy for the stupid little lines
Hollywood and sunny skies
Fancy restaurants with three forks and knives
I fall so easy

Until you came my way
Turn my clouds to white from gray
Showered me with pink champagne
I let go so easier

That girl I used to be
Cynical and heartbreak free
Confidence exude in me now

I fall so easy for cheesy things in life
Sad, sad movies make me cry
Pretty people I admire
I used to hate

I fall so easy for the stupid little lines
Hollywood and sunny skies
Fancy restaurants with three forks and knives
I fall so easily in love
in love
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