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I saw your picture in a magazine
You looked bigger, brighter, stronger than everything
And I stood and remembered how you left the scene
As you were telling everybody about your dreams

Many times I've been trying to leave you behind me
So many times your ghost has followed me home

Now I see, I do, I feel I can let go
You took me by surprise and then again and again
Oh I see, I do, I feel I can let go
Knowing you is killing me again and again
Well it doesn't make sense

Your hands were steady and your aim was true
A lot of people here, they looked up to you
You spoke for a minute, said you made the team
Now I'm repeating every word, every thing

Many times I've been trying to leave you behind me
The past and the present just won't leave me alone

Now I see, I do, I feel I can let go
You took me by surprise and then again and again
Oh I see, I do, I feel I can let go
Knowing you is killing me again and again
Well it doesn't make sense
Well it doesn't make sense

I saw your picture in a magazine
You looked bigger, brighter, stronger than everything

Now I see, I do, I feel I can let go
You took me by surprise and then again and again
Oh I see, I do, I feel I can let go
Knowing you is killing me again and again
Well it doesn't make sense
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Añadir Palabra

Letra en inglés de Sense de Amanda Mair

Las palabras de la canción son interactivas, eso quiere decir que se puede pulsar sobre las palabras que están en color negro para obtener una caja de herramientas gratuitas de busqueda del significado de la palabra. Las palabras que están en color verde ya llevan el significado y se puede ver pasando el ratón por encima. De esta forma se puede entender más fácil la letra de la canción.

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