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Still Take You Home

Arctic Monkeys

Well it's ever so funny
Coz I don't think you're special I don't think you're cool
You're probably alright
But under these lights you look beautiful
And I'm struggling
I can't see through your fake tan
Oh ya know it for a fact
That everybody's eating outta your hand

What do you know?
Oh you know nothing!
But I'll still take you home
Yeah, I'll still take you home
What do you know?
Oh you don't know nothing!

Fancy seeing you in here
You're all tarted up, and you don't look the same
I haven't seen you since last year
Yeah I'm suprised you hadn't forgotten my name
But you know it
Yeah you knew it all along
Oh you say you have forgotten
But you're fibbin', oh don't tell me I'm wrong

What do you know?
Oh you know nothing!
But I'll still take you home
Yeah, I'll still take you home
What do you know?
Oh you don't know nothing, no!


Yeah, so what do you know?
Oh you know nothing, no!
But I'll still take you home
Yeah, I'll still take you home
Yes, so what do you know?
Oh you know nothing, no!

I fancy you with a passion
You're a topshop princess, a rockstar too
You're a fan you're a fashion
And I'm having a job trying to talk to you
But it's alright, put it all on one-side
And everybody's looking
You got control of everyone's eyes
Including mine

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