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Lust For Life

Iggy Pop

Here comes Johnny Yen again
With the liquor and drugs
And a flesh machine
He's gonna do another strip tease

Hey man, where'd you get that lotion?
I've been hurting since I bought the gimmick
About something called love
Yeah, something called love
Well, that's like hypnotising chickens

Well, I'm just a modern guy
Of course, I've had it in the ear before
'Cause of a lust for life
'Cause of a lust for life

I'm worth a million in prizes
With my torture film
Drive a G.T.O.
Wear a uniform
All on government loan

I'm worth a million in prizes
Yeah, I'm through with sleeping on the sidewalk
No more beating my brains
No more beating my brains
With the liquor and drugs
With the liquor and drugs

Well, I'm just a modern guy
Of course, I've had it in my ear before
'Cause, of a lust for life (lust for life)
'Cause of a lust for life (lust for life)

Here comes Johnny Yen again
With the liquor and drugs
And a flesh machine
I know he's gonna do another strip tease

Hey man, where'd you get that lotion?
Your skin starts itching once you buy the gimmick
About something called love
Oh love, love, love
Well, that's like hypnotising chickens

Well, I'm just a modern guy
Of course, I've had it in the ear before
And I've a lust for life (lust for life)
'Cause I've a lust for life (lust for life)
Got a lust for life
Yeah, a lust for life
I got a lust for life
Oh, a lust for life
Got a lust for life
Yeah a lust for life
I got a lust for life
Lust for life
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Letra de Lust For Life de Iggy Pop

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