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The Look


Walking like a man, hitting like a hammer
She's a juvenile scam, never was a quitter
Tasty like a raindrop, she's got the look

Heavenly bound, 'cause heaven's got a number
When she's spinning me around, kissing is a color
Her loving is a wild dog, she's got the look

She's got the look
(She's got the look)
She's got the look
(She's got the look)

What in the world can make
A brown-eyed girl turn blue
When everything I'll ever do, I'll do for you
And I go, la la, la la la, she's got the look

Fire in the ice, naked to the T-bone
Is a lover's disguise, banging on the head drum
Shaking like a mad bull, she's got the look

Swaying to the band, moving like a hammer
She's a miracle man, loving is the ocean
Kissing is the wet sand, she's got the look

She's got the look
(She's got the look)
She's got the look
(She's got the look)

What in the world can make
A brown-eyed girl turn blue
When everything I'll ever do, I'll do for you
And I go, la la, la la la, she's got the look

Walking like a man, hitting like a hammer
She's a juvenile scam, never was a quitter
Tasty like a raindrop, she's got the look

And she goes, na na na
She's got the look

She's got the look
(She's got the look)
She's got the look
(She's got the look)

What in the world can make
A brown-eyed girl turn blue
When everything I'll ever do, I'll do for you
And I go, la la, la la la, she's got the look

What in the world
Can make you so blue
When everything I'll ever do, I'll do for you
And I go, la la, la la la

Na na na
She's got the look
And she goes, na na na
She's got the look
(She's got the look)

And she goes, na na na
She's got the look
(She's got the look)
And she goes, na na na
She's got the look

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Letra de The Look de Roxette

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