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You're Gonna Go Far, Kid

The Offspring

Show me how to lie, you're getting better all the time
And turning all against the one is an art that's hard to teach
Another clever word sets off an unsuspecting herd
And as you step back in the line a mob jumps to their feet

Now dance, fucker, dance, man, he never had a chance
And no one even knew, it was really only you

And now you steal away
Take him out today
Nice work you did
You're gonna go far, kid

With a thousand lies and a good disguise
Hit 'em right between the eyes, hit 'em right between the eyes
When you walk away, nothing more to say
See the lightning in your eyes, see 'em running for their lives

Slowly outta line and drifting closer in your sights
So play it out I'm wide awake, it's a scene about me
There's something in your way and now someone is gonna pay
And if you can't get what you want, well, it's all because of me

Now dance, fucker, dance, man, I never had a chance
And no one even knew, it was really only you

And now you'll lead the way
Show the light of day
Nice work you did
You're gonna go far, kid
Trust, deceived

With a thousand lies and a good disguise
Hit 'em right between the eyes, hit 'em right between the eyes
When you walk away, nothing more to say
See the lightning in your eyes, see 'em running for their lives

Now dance, fucker, dance, he never had a chance
And no one even knew, it was really only you
So dance, fucker, dance, I never had a chance
It was really only you

With a thousand lies and a good disguise
Hit 'em right between the eyes, hit 'em right between the eyes
When you walk away, nothing more to say
See the lightning in your eyes, see 'em running for their lives

Clever alibis, Lord of the Flies
Hit 'em right between the eyes, hit 'em right between the eyes
When you walk away, nothing more to say
See the lightning in your eyes, see 'em running for their lives
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