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Kiss It Better

He is We

He sits in his cell
And he lays on his bed
Covers his head and closes his eyes
He sees a smoking gun
And the coward he ran
And in his arms is the bleeding
Love of his life
And she cries

Kiss it all better
I'm not ready to go
It's not your fault love
You didn't know, you didn't know

Her hands are so cold
And he kisses her face
And says "Everything will be all right"
He noticed the gun
And his rage grew inside
He said "I'll avenge my lover tonight"

And she cried
Kiss it all better
I'm not ready to go
It's not your fault love
You didn't know, you didn't know

Now he sits behind prison bars
25 to life and she's not in his arms
He couldn't bring her back with a bullet to the heart
Of the back of a man and tore his world apart

He was only a memory
All it is, is a memory
Hey, hey

He cries
Stay with me until I fall asleep
Stay with me
Stay with me until I fall asleep
Stay with me
Stay with me until I fall asleep
Stay with me
Stay with me until I fall asleep
Stay with me

Kiss it all better
I'm not ready to go
It's not your fault love
You didn't know, you didn't know

(Kiss it all better)
Stay with me until I fall asleep
Stay with me
Stay with me until i fall asleep
Stay with me
(kiss it all better)
Stay with me until I fall asleep
Stay with me
Stay with me until I fall asleep
Stay with me
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