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I'm Shaking

Jack White

Yeah, when you touch my hand and talk sweet talk
I got a knocking in my knees, and a wobbling in my walk
And I'm trembling
That's right, you got me shaking

When you take me in your arms and talk romance
My heart starts doing that St. Rita dance
And I'm bending
Ohh and I'm shaking

Early in the morning time
Late in the middle of the night
Whenever this chill comes over me
I wanna hug you with all of my might
That's right and I'm sweating
Oh, yeah you got me shaking
Mmm, you got me sweating
Ohh, yeah you got me shaking girl

A chill and a fever, so I've been told
Makes your head spin around and your feet run cold
I got fever, yeah
Fever, yeah, I burn for sure

I feel like I've been run right through the mill
And I can't move around and I can't stand still
I'm Bo Diddley
Oh, you got me shaking
I'm so jittery
That's right, you got me shaking

Well Samson was a mighty good man
Strongest in his day
(Then along came Delilah and clipped his wing)
And it looks like you took me the same old way
So I'm nervous
Oh and I'm shaking
Alright, you got me nervous
Yeah I'm shaking and jumping

A storm rocks a ship on a sea (A storm rocks a ship on a sea)
The wind shakes the leaves on a tree (The wind shakes the leaves on a tree)
And I'm a nervous wreck and I'm all shook up
And that's what you're doing to me right now
And I'm jumping
That's right, you got me shaking
Ohh and I'm jumping
That's right, you got me shaking
Ohh, you got me shaking
That's right, you got me nervous
But now I'm shaking
Ohh, you got me shaking

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