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Stay The Night

James Blunt

Wooooah, wooooah, wooooahh, hey!

It's 72 degrees, zero chance of rain
It's been a perfect day
We're all spinning on our heels, so far away from real
In California

We all watched the sunset from our car, we all took it in
And by the time that it was dark
You and me had something, yeah!

And if this is what we've got
Then what we've got is gold
We're shining bright and I want you
I want you to know
The moon is on it's way
Our friends all say goodbye
There's nowhere else to go
I hope that you'll stay the night

Wooooah, you'll stay the night, wooooah yeah

We've been singing Billie Jean
Mixing vodka with caffeine
We've got strangers stopping by
And though you're out of tune
Girl you blow my mind, you do
And all I'll say is I don't wanna say good night

There is no quiet corner to get to know each other
Then there's no hurry I'm a patient man
As you'll discover

Cause if this is what we've got
Then what we've got is gold
We're shining bright and I want you
I want you to know
The moon is on it's way
Our friends all say goodbye
There's nowhere else to go
I hope that you'll stay the night

Wooooah, you'll stay the night, wooooah yeah

Just like the song on my radio said
We'll share the shelter of my single bed
But it's a different tune that's stuck in my head
And it go-o-oes

If this is what we've got
Then what we've got is gold
We're shining bright and I want you
I want you to know
The moon is on it's way
Our friends all say goodbye
There's nowhere else to go
I hope that you'll stay the night

If this is what we've got
Then what we've got is gold
We're shining bright and I want you
I want you to know
The moon is on it's way
Our friends all say goodbye
There's nowhere else to go
I hope that you'll stay the night
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Letra en inglés de Stay The Night de James Blunt

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