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Let In The Sun

Take That

You've found yourself alone in a room
Total devastation
In the darkness you must enter the code
And crack the combination all on your own

Pick yourself up and search for the light
Hungry for a new start
It's your chance now to stand up and fight
Take the next step now a day at a time

Open up, open up
Everybody's waiting
From high above
Feel the love
Open up your windows

Let in the sun
Let in the sun
Let in the sun
Just let in the sun

Good to see you with your feet on the track
Waiting for a restart
Leaving all that once what was holding you back
Want you to see the sun rise as fast as you can

Pick it up, turn it round
Want you to see the sun rise as fast as you can

Open up, open up
Everybody's waiting
From high above
Feel the love
Open up your windows

Let in the sun
Let in the sun
Let in the sun
Just let in the sun

Feel the air and breathe it in
Feel the warmth upon your skin
Looking out and looking in
Every colour in your eyes
In reflection of the light
Every minute, every night

Open up, open up
Everybody's waiting
From high above
Feel the love
Open up your windows

Let in the sun
Let in the sun
Let in the sun
Let in the sun
Just let in the sun
Oh let in the sun, let in the sun
Let in the sun

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Letra en inglés de Let In The Sun de Take That

Las palabras de la canción son interactivas, eso quiere decir que se puede pulsar sobre las palabras que están en color negro para obtener una caja de herramientas gratuitas de busqueda del significado de la palabra. Las palabras que están en color verde ya llevan el significado y se puede ver pasando el ratón por encima. De esta forma se puede entender más fácil la letra de la canción.

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