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There's a hole in your bucket

Sun's out, we got a beach day, forget yourself
Say why don't we people watch?
Kids all playing 'round in the sand
Little boy crying

Oh, no he's got some troubles
Got us laughing as he throws his shovel
Nothing's really going as planned

I don't know how we're gonna build a castle now
Do you wanna start again somehow?
I'll stay until the sun comes down, down, down
Are you smiling?

Look over my shoulder see your laughter bubble over
Lately you've been working too hard
And I've been waiting to recognize
That sparkle that's in your eyes
Those two dimples on your cheeks
The joy that lights the fire

I don't know how we're gonna build a castle now
Do you wanna start again somehow?
I'll stay until the sun comes down, down, down

There's a hole in my bucket
Dear Liza, dear Liza
There's a hole in my bucket
Dear Liza, a hole

And I don't know how we're supposed to build a castle now
Do you wanna start again somehow?
I'll stay until the sun comes down, down
I'll stay until the sun comes

I don't know how we're gonna build a castle now
Do you wanna start again somehow?
I'll stay until the sun comes down, down, down
Till the sun comes down

(Sun's down, here come the waves and there goes the castle)
Sun's coming down, I'll stay
(Sun's down, here come the waves and there goes the castle)
Sun's coming down, I'll stay
(Sun's down, here come the waves and there goes the castle)
Sun's coming down, I'll stay
(Sun's down, here come the waves and there goes the castle)

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Letra en inglés de Bucket de Carly Rae Jepsen

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