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Sweet caress
Grazes my skin
It's loveless
These hooks sink in
Behind an angel's disguise
An insect preys
Mandibles cut like a knife
A reckoning

Forming clouds
Their shadow shrouds
Louder the tattered wings they sound
Descending down

Down they come
The swarm of locusts
Skies above
Converge to choke us
Feast of souls
Consume the harvest
Young and old
Suffer unto the locust

These veins are bled
Nothing sacred
Strings pull the marionettes
See how they dance
Upon the winds that beget
Our pestilence

Forming clouds
Their shadow shrouds
Louder the tattered wings they sound
Descending down

Down they come
The swarm of locusts
Skies above
Converge to choke us
Feast of souls
Consume the harvest
Young and old
Suffer unto the locust

Bleeding from my eyes
This plague is sent to erase us
Bleeding from inside
These vermin can't infiltrate us

Faith appears and holds a candle
Hark the angels sing

Forming clouds
Their shadow shrouds
Louder the tattered wings they sound

Tear the veil
The lies derail
Purity ever will prevail

Trumpets sound
The shattered crown
Halos of truth now they surround
The charade comes down

Down they come
The swarm of locusts
Skies above
Converge to choke us
Feast of souls
Consume the harvest
Young and old
Suffer unto the locust
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Letra en inglés de Locust de Machine Head

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