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Nicki Minaj

Let's go to the beach, each
Let's go get anyway
They say, what they gonna say?
Have a drink, click, found the bud light
Bad bitches like me, is hard to come by
The patron own, let's go get it on
The zone own, yes I'm in the zone
Is it two, there? leave a good trip
I'mma blow off my money and don't give too quick

Im on the floor, floor
I love to dance
So give me more, more, till I can stand
Get on the floor,floor
Like its your last dance
If you want more, more
Then here I am

Starships were menat to fly
Hands up and touch the sky
Can't stop cause we're so high
Let's do this one more time

Starships were meant to fly
Hands up and touch the sky
Let's do this one last time
Hands up

We're higher than a motherf*cker

Bump in my hootie hottie hottie hoop
I own that
And I ain't paying my rent this month
I owe that
But fuck who you want and fuck who you like

Dance how a life there's no end inside
Twinkle, twinkle little star

Now everybody let me hear you say ray ray ray
Now spend all your money cause they pay pay pay
And if you're a cheat, you a chea chea-cheat
My name is a nigger, you can call me Nicki

Get on the floor, florr
Like a chola's dance
If you want more, more
Then here I am

Starships were meant to fly
Hands up and touch the sky
Can't stop cause we're so high
Lets do this one more time

Starships were meant to fly
Hands up and touch the sky
Let's do this one last time
Hands up

We're higher than a motherf*cker

Starships were meant to fly
Hands up and touch the sky
Can't stop cause we're so high
Let's do this one more time

Starships were meant to fly
Hands up and touch the sky
Let's do this one last time
Hands up

We're higher than a motherf*cker
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Letra en inglés de Starships de Nicki Minaj

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