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Inner Ninja


Ninja? You're a ninja? Get out of here, you're a ninja!
Yes, I am a ninja

I read the rules before I broke 'em
I broke the chains before they choked me out
Now I pay close attention
Really learn the code
I learned to read the map before I hit the road

Hey yo, I know you never heard this before
But I'd rather lose a fight than miss the war
And I ain't wishing competition or fishing for it
I'm just living in the system, conditions are poor
I've been lost in the rhythm and misinformed
Too many late nights hitting the liquor store
Too many bad decisions, half assed attempts
No sweat, no fear, no blood, no tears
I go hard and I ain't making up no excuse
I'm overdue, I don't do what I'm supposed to do
Cause you can think about it man, we're supposed to lose
It ain't all picture perfect, ocean views
No, I was a first class rookie
Taking out bullies in my all black hoodie
Man of mystery, you know the history
Get it or forget it, cause poof, I'm outta here

I read the rules before I broke 'em
I broke the chains before they choked me out
And I pay close attention
Really learn the code
I learned to read the map before I hit the road

Nobody's gonna see me coming
Nobody's gonna hear a sound
No matter how hard they trying
No stopping me since I've found
My inner ninja [x4]

Hey yo, I've been high and I've been real low
I've been beaten and broken but I healed though
So many ups and downs, roughed up & clowned
We all got problems, but we deal though
I'm trying to do better now, find my inner peace
Learn my art form, and find my energy
When my backs on the wall, I don't freeze up
Nah, I find my inner strength and I re-up
Here we go, I know I've never been the smartest or wisest
But I realize what it takes
Never dwell in the dark cause the sun always rises
But gotta make it to the next day
It's a feeling that you get in your lungs when you run
Like you're running outta air and your breath won't come
And you (uh) wheezing, gotta keep it moving
Find that extra (uhn) and push your way through it

I've had bad habits but I dropped em
I've had opponents but I knocked them out
I climbed the highest mountains
I Swum the coldest seas
There ain't a thing I've faced thats been too much for me

Nobody's gonna see me coming
Nobody's gonna hear a sound
No matter how hard they trying
Nobody's gonna bring me down

Nobody's gonna see me coming
Nobody's gonna hear a sound
No matter how hard they trying
No stopping me since I've found
My inner ninja [x4]

I've had bad habits but I dropped em
I've had opponents but I knocked them out
I climbed the highest mountains
I Swum the coldest seas
There ain't a thing I've faced that's been too much for me

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